Buttoned Up
Corporate creative has to function on many levels, whether it is to orchestrate campaigns to attract capital investors, effectively reach into new markets to expand global growth, or resonate effectively to draw new talent and grow a competitive workforce, all while maintaining brand standards and finding innovative ways to tell a company’s story well.

Total Rewards is Qurate Retail Group’s retooling of their employee benefits’ program on a global scale. Once I developed the logo, which incorporates QVC’s new identity element of the square frame and combined it with an abstracted camera aperture, I then proposed the “Focus on You” strategy, which was enthusiastically adopted as the philosophy of the full program.

“Create a tangible, desirable object that the recipient will be proud to display and inspired to act upon.” This was the creative directive for producing what was labeled the Sizzle Reel Kit — a promotional tool for potential affiliate partners. The custom-designed box held a print brochure and a thumb drive with a high-energy video our team produced. Assets utilized a photo campaign and creative voice to present a storyline that walks potential business partners through QVC’s operating model, positioning within the market landscape, and advantages to partnering with an innovative leader.

The conception, development, and design of a unified and elevated global system for employee communications was requested by QVC. This system would include a print magazine, intranet resources, digital billboards, email templates, and internal posters. A full naming initiative that brought order to the communications items was part of the overall project. Discover Magazine became the premiere showcase element of this suite of deliverables.

Discover magazine would be produced for team members in five countries: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Japan.

The suite of deliverables included digital billboards that could be updated daily and feature company-wide and site-specific messaging, a global intranet site, corporate event and site-specific posters, and a system of emails for internal communications.

Investor Day is a biennial event held at the Qurate World Headquarters. Collateral for the event, distributed to visiting investment analysts, is a mix of entertainment and information, meant to leave an impression on those who spend the day. The 2018 event theme spoke to the growth of the business and the celebration of introducing Qurate as the new parent company of QVC and its family of businesses. The format took on a miniature portfolio, and included a self-contained cross folder, transparent fly sheet, and two fold-out brochures. The design was intended to be compact and intriguing, friendly to explore after the event and easily managed in a cab, train, or airplane.